MIND Focus: Feeling connected to others is great for mental wellbeing. It can lower stress or anxiety and can boost your mood, promoting happiness. Talking or really listening to others can have benefits for both of you. A quick chat has been proven to help self-esteem and can inspire and motivate you to build on your own life goals or go for a walk in the great outdoors!

SPIRIT Focus: Meditation can clear the mind and bring you into the moment of connecting with yourself and inner peace. Even 5 minutes a day can help with stress and shut out the constant noise. This slowing down will increase your inner calmness, boost your immunity and increase self-awareness by gaining deeper insight into your thoughts and emotions.

BODY Focus: PT Top Tips….
§ Eat mindfully & try to increase your green vegetables in each meal
§ Focus on moving and steps throughout the day
§ Look at the whole week not day-by-day
§ Whole body weight combo moves:
Lunges forward, squats and pulse, plank, push ups, burpee, glute bridge, toe touches

SPIRIT Focus: What’s My Dosha? Ayurveda is intertwined with yoga, having its roots in India going back thousands of years. In Ayurvedic tradition, ‘chakra’ is one’s body energy and generally falls into one dosha from the 3 categories named Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This can affect your health, energy, and mood.

BODY Focus: Being Active and enjoying the autumnal colours around Dollar Glen. Waking is great for lifting your mood and happiness. Enjoy your walk today.